Welcome to the Self-Accompanied Singing Project!
Lucy Green – Project Director & Emerita Professor of Music Education
Michael Bonshor – Project Co-Researcher & Lecturer in Music Education
Janet Oates - Project Co-Researcher and Freelance Musician
Matt Jelf – Project Communications and Events Officer

The beginnings of a musical community...
Self-accompanied singing: reviving a neglected tradition in the professional practice and development of classical singers
Research project at the UCL Institute of Education, London, UK
Did you know that right up to the 1930s it was perfectly normal for a classical singer to perform to an audience whilst accompanying themselves on a keyboard or other instrument?
Big stars such as Reynaldo Hahn, Jane Bathori, George Henschel, Richard Tauber and others made records of self-accompanied songs; and self-accompanied recitals took place in concert halls and even the opera-house, performed by the likes of Jenny Lind, Adelina Patti and Maria Malibran.
Have you ever seen a pop, folk or jazz singer play an instrument and sing at the same time? Of course you have.
But how often have you seen a classical singer doing this? We would guess rarely or never; yet it used to be a normal part of many singers' working lives.
This project aims to both carry out research, and act as a forum to foster interest in, and the practice of, self-accompanied classical singing.